IE8: Let the page display always round

                  Microsoft introduced the "Microsoft Yahei" font in Windows 7, which is more rounded than the original default Song, and the visual effect is better than before. Therefore, some users set the font displayed by default in IE8 to "Microsoft Yahei". But many times, the Microsoft Yahoo fonts that you set up are always inexplicably modified by third-party browsers or other users.
In this regard, the solution given by ZOL users is to "fix" the page font displayed by IE 8 in Windows Vista and Windwos 7 by modifying the registry, whether it is a third-party browser or other users. Modify the "Microsoft Yahei" font you like.
In Windows 7, run the Registry Editor, expand to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Sidebar\\IEOverride\\Styles, double-click "Use My Stylesheet" in the right window, and the default value will be displayed in the pop-up window. Change to "1".

Modify the value of Use My Stylesheet
After saving the settings, exit the Registry Editor.

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