What is the use of the driver wizard? How to use the

driver wizard is a very convenient driver installation software, can automatically detect whether the driver in the computer hardware is abnormal, whether it can update the driver of the later version, the most convenient is only need one to achieve the driver installation.

What is the use of the driver wizard?

After reading the first paragraph, I believe that many novice friends already know what the driver wizard is for. Just look at the name and you probably know the driver. Below we summarize the main role of the driver wizard.

1. Drive the problem and solve it. Does the computer have equipment that doesn't work? Can't find the driver? The driver version is too old, playing a new game is always out of the situation? This is not a thing, the driver wizard will help you get it!

2. System patch, quick installation. Operating system patches are not aligned? The lack of various .Net, VC runtimes makes the program inoperable? The driver wizard makes your system safe, stable and fully functional.

3. Software treasure house, installed capacity is not awkward. The system just installed, need a variety of software? Drive the wizard software treasure library to help you achieve a fast installation, what software to choose directly, fast and safe.

4. Hardware detection, to distinguish between authenticity. Professional hardware detection function, rich in content and accurate results. Seeing the essence through the surface, helping you to judge the state of the hardware device model, JS liar has nowhere to hide.

Driver Wizard Interface

How to use Driver Wizard?

The driver wizard software is very simple to use, all Chinese operation interface, similar to Jinshan Guardian and 360 security guards, we can complete the required operations with a little mouse click, because the operation is very simple, novice friends can quickly Getting started, here are a few examples of using the driver wizard to install the driver for your reference, so that you can quickly learn how to use the driver wizard.

After opening the main interface (below), select "Driver", "Standard Mode" and select "Recommended Update Driver". If the computer base is low, you can select “Wizard Mode” and follow the prompts.

PS: There are detailed operating instructions on the right (as shown below)

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