Before, many netizens asked SATA hard disk whether to use GHOST in the 52 hardware forum. When using GHOST to make backups to the system, you may have encountered such a situation. After booting into the system with a floppy disk or CD, when using GHOST.EXE After the command, the system is black and it crashes. Is GHOST not supporting SATA devices? After
do use SATA hard disk, we can not do it as a backup system? The answer is, SATA hard drive can also be used for cloning, but it requires a little trick in operation.
First, let's analyze why the system will crash under normal circumstances. In general, the SATA hard disk motherboards are all I865PE (North Bridge) + ICH5R (South Bridge) chipsets, but due to the limitations of the ICH5R South Bridge chip itself, one of the IDE channels is used under WIN9X, WINNT, and DOS systems. It will not work, which is why the system will stop responding after we start GHOST, because GHOST can't judge which set of IDEs is available in the system. After
know the reason, we can prescribe the right medicine. Generally, the BIOS of the motherboard of the 865 provides an option to shield a set of IDE channels, so that the system only recognizes two sets of IDE channels. Below I take the ASUS
P4P800 motherboard as an example to explain the operation method: (below the method of the optical disc are start mode)
1, a hanging SATA1 SATA hard interfaces, a CDROM hanging PRIMARY IDE interface (provided as master):
a) boot into the BIOS setting, in the mAIN Select IDE Configuration
in the menu b) Change Onboard IDE Operate Mode to Compatible Mode
c) Select [Primary P-ATA+S-ATA]
in [Enhanced Mode Support On] d) Restart After the BIOS, you will find only 4 IDE devices in the MAIN menu, [Primary IDE MASTER] is [CDROM], [Primary IDE Slave] is [NONE], [Secondary IDE Master] is [IDE DISK] (your Hard disk model), [[Secondary IDE Slave] is [NONE]
e) After booting into DOS with CD, you can run GHOST
2. One SATA hard disk is hung on SATA1 interface, one CDROM Hang on the SECONDARY IDE interface:
as long as it will In the third step, [Primary P-ATA+S-ATA] is changed to [Secondary P-ATA+S-ATA], and the system will treat SATA1 and SATA2 devices as [Primary IDE Master] and [ ,null,null,3],Primary IDE Slave].
3, if you use the motherboard supports SATA, but SATA devices when not in use, some motherboard BIOS the SATA channel or turned on by default, in which case you want to use GHOST to backup system can lead to a black screen, so we Also need to set it in the BIOS to block the SATA channel, or in the third step of the first case, change [Primary P-ATA+S-ATA] to [P-ATA Ports Only]. The system will block the SATA device, you can use it as a normal motherboard without SATA devices.
The above is a summary of some of my little experience when using SATA devices and GHOST, I hope to be useful to everyone. Other models of the motherboard are the same settings, but the options inside are not as rich as ASUS.