People who have used DOS are no strangers to parameters. Many programs under DOS have parameters. Although they are boring English letters, they are very powerful. Ghost is a typical DOS program that supports parameters. Taking full advantage of its parameters, we can better control Ghost. Let them work better for us. In the previous examples, we used a Ghost parameter to make a self-starting CD that automatically backs up and restores hard drive data. Because Ghost has many parameters and powerful functions, it is necessary for us to list some of the most commonly used parameters for your reference.
★ parameters (Parameter) program is available to us some hidden options by adding parameters, you can achieve normal start procedure can not be achieved or can be achieved, but it requires many steps can be achieved The function can bring us a lot of convenience.
★ parameters and procedures, parameters and parameter between separated by spaces.
★ we can write some parameters Ghost BAT files, and to use it more convenient to clone and restore our system by control statements.
1.Disk to disk copy
Graphic interface: Disk To Disk
Parameter example: ghost -clone, mode=copy, src=1, dst=2 -sure -fx
Parameter function: Copy the entire contents of disk one to disk two, do not ask, and exit Ghost when finished.
2. Back up all the contents of the disk to an image file
Graphic interface: Disk To Image
Parameter example: ghost -clone, mode=dump, src=1 , dst=d:\\Win98sys.gho -z3 -sure -fx
Parameter function: Back up all the contents of the first hard disk of the machine to another hard disk d:\\Win98sys.gho file, high compression Don't ask, go out and quit Ghost.
3.Restore from backup image file to disk
Graphic interface: Disk From Image
Parameter example: ghost -clone,mode=load,src=d:\\ Win98sys.gho, dst=1 -sure -fx
Parameter function: Restore from the backup image file of another hard disk d:\\Win98sys.gho to the first hard disk, do not ask, exit Ghost after completion .
4. Partition to partition copy
Graphic interface: Partition To Partition
Parameter example: ghost -clone, mode=pcopy, src=1:1, dst=2 :1 -sure -fx
Parameter function: Copy all the contents of the first partition of the first hard disk to the first partition of the second hard disk, do not ask, and exit Ghos after completion
5. Back up partition contents to image file
Graphic interface: Partition To Image
Parameter example: ghost -clone, mode=pdump, src=1:1, dst=d :\\Win98sys.gho -z9 -sure -fx
Parameter function: Back up the first partition of the first hard disk to d:\\Win98sys.gho, use the highest compression ratio, do not ask, and exit Ghost when finished.
6.Clone from backup image file to partition
Graphic interface: Partition From Image
Parameter example: ghost -clone,mode=pload,src=d:\\ Win98sys.gho:1,dst=1:1 -sure -fx
Parameter function: Clone the first partition memory in d:\\Win98sys.gho to the first partition of the first hard disk, no need Ask and quit Ghost when you are done.
7. Parallel port cable directly connected to the computer client
Graphic interface: LPT/Slave
Parameter example: ghost -lps
Parameter function: Start the client (both computers must execute Ghost at the same time).
8. Parallel port cable directly connected to the server
Graphic interface: LPT/Master
Parameter example: ghost -lpm -clone,mode=dump,src=1 , dst=c:\\Win98sys.gho -sure -fx
Parameter function: Back up the contents of the first hard disk of the server to the client c:\\Win98sys.gho file, no need to ask, after completion Exit Ghost.
9. Direct clone between hard disks
Parameter example: ghost -clone, mode=copy, src=1, dst=2 -sure
Parameter function: in internal mode Copy the first hard disk to the second hard disk and clone it without prompting.
10.Network backup
Parameter example: ghost -nbm -clone,mode=dump,src=2,dst=c:\\xxxx.gho
Parameter function: Connected to the remote PC of the host\\slave by NetBIOS mode and back up the second hard disk of the machine to the remote hard disk C:\\xxxx.gho into an image compressed file.
The remote client must be started using the ghost -nbs command.
11. cloned into the image file to the hard disk parameter Examples
: ghost -clone, mode = load, src = e: \\ savdsk.gho, dst = 1
parameters Function: Read in the E:\\SAVEDSK.gho file and clone it to the first hard drive.
12.Back up the second partition as an image file (restore)
Parameter example: ghost -clone, mode=pdump, src=1:2, dst=g:\\imgs\\ Part2.gho
Parameter function: backup the second partition of the first hard disk to the g:\\imgs\\part2.gho image file.
Parameter example: ghost -clone, mode=pload, src=g:\\imgs\\part2.gho:2, dst=1:2
Parameter function: load (restore) image The second partition in the file to the second partition of the first hard disk of the internal hard disk.
13. Different hard disk partitions copy
Parameter example: ghost -clone, mode=pcopy, src=1:2, dst=2:1
Parameter function: Copy the second partition of the first hard disk to the first partition of the second hard disk.
14. A second hard drive to restore and adjust the parameters
example partition size
: ghost -clone, mode = load, src = g: \\ imgs \\ 2prtdisk.gho, dst = 2, Sze1=60P, sze2=40P
Parameter function: clone g:\\imgs\\2prtdisk.gho image file to the second hard disk, and resize the partition size by 60% and 40%.
15. A first hard disk to restore and adjust the parameters
example partition size
: ghost -clone, mode = load, src = e: \\ imgs \\ 3prtdisk.gho, dst = 1, Sze1=450M, sze2=1599M, sze3=2047M
Parameter function: clone e:\\imgs\\3prtdisk.gho image file to the first hard disk, and resize the partition to: first partition 450MB, first The second partition is 1599MB and the third partition is 2047MB.
16. Retain the first partition, the other parameters not assigned Examples
: ghost -clone, mode = copy, src = 1, dst = 2, sze1 = F, sze2 = V, sze3 =V
Parameter function: copy the first hard disk with three partitions to the second hard disk and keep the first partition the same size as the source, but the remaining space of other partitions will not be allocated. 17. A
restored to the last partition and an example of adjustment parameters
partition size
: ghost -clone, mode = load, src = g: \\ imgs \\ 2prtdisk.gho, dst = 1, szeL
Settings: load the last image file to the disk partition and its size according to the capacity of the reformer, the first partition using the remaining space. 18. A
read parameter from a parameter file: GHOST.EXE @ (profile)
parameter is: GHOST command line parameters can be read from a parameter file and Execution (note that the parameter file is in text format).
The parameter file can be written in text format containing any Ghost command line parameters, except for the -AFILE= and -DFILE= parameters.
19. Backup and automatic split
Parameter example: ghost -sure -clone, mode=pdump, src=1:1, dst=system.gho -span -split=630
Parameter function: Its function is to back up the first partition information of the first hard disk to system.gho under the current folder. If the generated system.gho is larger than 630MB, the generated GHO file will be split. The parameters are very useful when backing up large partitions and burning them onto a 650MB CD-R.
20. Examples backup and encryption parameters
: ghost -sure -pwd, 666888 -clone, mode = pdump, src = 1: 1, dst = system.gho
Parameter function: The function of this statement is to back up the first partition information of the first hard disk to system.gho under the current folder, and use 666888 as the password of the generated GHO file for encryption. After using Ghost to restore the system.gho file, or use Ghost Explorer to release the files, you must enter the password, otherwise you will not be able to restore or release the file, thus playing a confidential role. If you enter ghost -sure -pwd -clone, mode=pdump, src=1:1, dst=system.gho, ie -pwd without a password, Ghost will ask the user to encrypt the GHO password before making the GHO file. Must be remembered. After encrypting the GHO file, others will not be able to view or restore our files at will.
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