Can Win10 system use iCloudDrive to open format files?

With the official release of OS X Yosemite, Apple's iCloud Drive network disk was officially opened. It can be used not only to synchronize file data between OS X and iOS, but also to allow Mac users to upload and manage files in any format for the first time. This is no different from the network disk of Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. The only restriction is that the single file size cannot exceed 15GB.

Users can access iCloud Drive directly through the Finder in OS X Yosemite, or through Safari6, Firefox22, Chrome28 and above. Windows users can also drag and drop files in iCloud Drive, and even use it to synchronize the tags of Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome browsers, and support Win7/Win8/Win8.1/Win10 systems.
At present, Apple officially has not released iCloud Drive's iOS client. There is only one third-party iCloud Drive Explorer software in the app store, which can be used to view, manage, and edit files on iCloud Drive.

Of course, users can also choose to have Pages, Numbers, Keynote and third-party software that supports iCloud Drive automatically upload and sync files. It should be noted that users can upgrade to OS X Yosemite and iOS8 in order to fully use iCloud Drive. The old system will not be available and users will not be able to downgrade from iCloud Drive to the previous iCloud.
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