What should I do if Win10 is pressed on the keyboard? Win10 closes the method of quick boot


What should I do when Win10 presses the keyboard? Recently, a Win10 user feedback, after the computer is turned off, it is turned on when the keyboard is turned on. Why is this? This is because the user has started the quick start. If you don't like this quick start mode, you can turn off the fast boot, which can solve the problem of Win10 pressing the keyboard. Let's take a look at how Win10 turns off the fast boot operation.

Win10 solutions on the keyboard to boot:

1, open the Control Panel and find the & ldquo; Hardware and Sound & rdquo ;;

2 find the & ldquo; power options & rdquo; - & ldquo; change the power button & rdquo ;;

3, open & ldquo; change the power button & rdquo; after selecting the item, you will find that & ldquo; fast start is enabled ( recommended) & rdquo; this one is hit & radic;, and gray can not be modified;

4, tap & rdquo; change the settings currently unavailable & ldquo ;;

5, after the previous step, & rdquo; enable quick start (recommended) & ldquo; This option, you can change, remove the previous √, then save and modify, you can.

If you have encountered a situation Win10 press the keyboard to boot, that you have opened a fast boot feature, everything has pros and cons, you can choose whether to enable fast boot.

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