Microsoft banned Win10 from running pirated games

Windows 10 was released less than a month ago, but the controversy surrounding the privacy of this operating system has continued to appear. Recently, some media found that Microsoft has quietly changed the Windows 10 license agreement to give itself the right to prohibit pirated games and unauthorized hardware.

According to reports, Microsoft has updated its own European license agreement (European Licence Agreement) terms. The new terms state that Microsoft will not tolerate the operation of counterfeit games or hardware on Windows 10 devices. They "may automatically check your software version, downloaded software upgrades or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing Microsoft services, running counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripherals."
Although the terms do not contain any details, it shows that Microsoft is obviously on the pirated game this time. Although Microsoft is currently targeting pirated games only, it is hard to say whether their scope will be extended to other pirated/hacking applications in the future. As for the manner in which Microsoft will take detected among Windows 10 device "fake game", we also do not know.

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