What should I do if the Win10 computer cannot directly drag and drop files when using cad?


CAD is a 3D graphics software that many users use. Recently, users of Win10 system found that they could not directly drag files into CAD to open when using CAD. What is the situation? How to deal with such a problem? Below, along with the small series to see the Win10 computer can not directly drag and drop the open file when using CAD.

The details are as follows:

1. Press the Windows key + R to open the "Run" dialog: enter regedit, press Enter or OK;

2. Find in order The following values;

3, right click "EnableLUA"; select "ld"; modify & rdquo;. Change the value to 0 and confirm. Enough.

Note: After the win10 system is modified, there will be problems with not being able to use the new browser. Other browsers are fine.

The above is the content of the Win10 computer can not directly drag and open the file solution when using CAD; in this case, we only need to modify the registry, it can solve this problem well.

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