The shortcut key for switching input methods in Win7 system is Ctrl+Shfit, but this shortcut does not work in Win10 system. Many users feel very uncomfortable after upgrading Win10 from Win7 system. At this time, you can use the following method to adjust the shortcut key of Win10 switch input method to Win7 mode.
1. Add language first
Click the input method icon in the system tray---language preference---“add language”, select“English”--- Open, select “English (United States) & rdquo;---Add, or, right-click the start icon in the lower left corner, open the Control Panel --- Clock, Language and Region --- Language, click “ Add Language & rdquo;, select “English”---Open, select “English (United States)”---Add.
2, set the default language
From the "language preferences", enter the mode, select “ English (United States) & rdquo; click & ldquo; set to the default language; from the control panel Enter, select “English(UnitedStates)”, move up to the first item. Then delete the language "Chinese"
3, to open the registration editor: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ KeyboardLayout \\ Preload, modify & ldquo; 1 & rdquo; The key for & ldquo; 00000804 & rdquo ;, then the new string value Substitutes item entitled & ldquo; 00000804”, the key value is “ 00000409”, close the registration editor, log out and log back in.
4, add Chinese input method
Open the Control Panel --- Clock, Language, and Region --- language, you will see have been added & ldquo; & rdquo Chinese ;, and the keyboard layout is "American keyboard", click on the Chinese option --- add input method, add the required Chinese input method --- save.
5, the & ldquo; Chinese & rdquo; language as the default language
will move to the first item on the Chinese language, delete, & ldquo; English (UnitedStates) & rdquo; language Item, set up. This Chinese (American keyboard) is the system's default first input method, you can switch to Microsoft Pinyin by pressing “Ctrl+Shift” or “Win+Space”.
These are the adjustments Win10 switch the input method to model the method Win7, Win10 system default shortcut keys to switch input method is Ctrl + Space, which may not be more convenient than + Shift Ctrl, we can use this article The method of modifying the Win10 switch input method shortcut key.
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