How to solve the problem that Win10 system does not support old games?


The Win10 system is now compatible with most popular games and new games, but Win10's support for some old games is not enough. When Win10 runs an old game, there will be a card screen, a flower screen, and no adjustment of the game window. So how to solve this problem?


1, in the task bar search box, enter & ldquo; enable or disable Windows features & rdquo ;, open the found item;

2, function found in the Windows & ldquo; & rdquo ;, deployed legacy components, check the & ldquo; DirectPlay & rdquo; function, click on the & ldquo; OK & rdquo ;;

3, wait for the system will automatically search for the desired file And enable this feature.

These are the methods to solve the Win10 does not support the old problem of the game, may not be well run earlier versions of some games under Win10 the default setting, the function is enabled in Windows legacy assemblies after Yes.

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