Win10 input method icon does not show how to deal with only the keyboard input box?


The input method icon is automatically displayed on the Win10 system language bar. If the input method icon is not displayed, but a keyboard is displayed, only English letters can be entered. Some Win10 user input method icons are gone, only one small keyboard is left, and how to switch can not find it back. What is going on? Let me tell you how to deal with this problem.

1. First make sure that you have selected the "Desktop Language Bar" in the Control Panel, the specific method:

Press Win+X— Control Panel & mdash; Clock, Language and Region & mdash ; language & mdash; advanced settings, check “ use the desktop language bar & rdquo;, save.

2, if the input method icon disappears, you can only input English without displaying the input box, you can try to restart the input method to solve, the specific method:

Press Win+R— enter in the run Ctfmon.exe, press Enter.

The above is the Win10 input method icon does not display only the keyboard input processing method, as long as the desktop language bar is enabled and then restart the input method, you should be able to use the Win10 input method.

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