How to use Continuum to build Win10 Universal Application


Win10 system Continuum mode is to adjust the display size of the application on the phone and display it on the computer monitor. In this mode, the mobile phone can be used instead of the computer host. Here's how to use Continuum to build Win10 universal applications.

Technically any Win10 UWP applications support Win10 Continuum mode, but in order to make the application in a variety of screen sizes can have a good display, developers need to do some work. In order for developers to quickly master these skills, Microsoft gave detailed steps in a blog post on the official blog.

How to use Continuum to build Win10 universal application, pay attention to the following points:

1. Build a responsive UI application;

2. The interaction mode of the application in Continuum mode will Focus on mouse and keyboard operations, so if your application interaction is mainly touch, you need to optimize for the mouse and keyboard;

3, due to changes in display size, developers need to consider different screen sizes Display the proportion of asset resources (pictures, etc.);

4, make full use of multi-screen API to build rich interactive, robust multi-screen experience.

The above is the use of Continuum to create Win10 universal application skills, Imagine installing LOL in the phone, connect the external display and mouse and keyboard, you can play against the players on the PC, this is what kind of Experience.

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