Win10 system will use a certain program in the process of "Windows task host process has stopped working" window, this window is still closed after the program, how is this going? The most important is the conflict of the system input method, then the Win10 system pops up "The host process of the Windows task has stopped working" " What should the window do?
concrete solutions:
1, the application that was installed before unloading system problems, is not compatible with the majority of conflicts caused by the input method;
2 Uninstall the installed third-party input method, use the built-in Microsoft Pinyin input method;
3. If the problem persists, then click Start Menu — Set — Update & Security & mdash; Restore & mdash; Reset this computer & mdash; start;
4, select & ldquo; keep my files & rdquo ;, Next, click reset, restore the system to its original state.
These are the Win10 system pop-up & ldquo; host process for Windows task has stopped working & rdquo; solution to the window, the user can first use Microsoft Pinyin input method for some time, and so the problem is not there, then A new input method is also available.
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