The screen resolution is closely related to us. By setting the appropriate resolution, we can see more information on the screen. When some users use Win10, they find that the screen resolution is wrong, and how to adjust it is wrong. How to solve this problem?
This problem is not a driver problem, nor is it an installation problem, but a setup problem
The operation steps are as follows:
1. Right click
2. click on the screen resolution
3. click the penultimate two options & mdash; & mdash; enlarge or reduce the text and other items
4. change the the progress bar at the size of all the items that pulled the smaller side
5. check or & ldquo; let me select a zoom level for my display & rdquo; click less
Finally click on the application, then restart or log off.
The resolution of the display is simply the ability of the display to resolve the image. The higher the resolution, the display is displayed. The sharper the image, but it is also related to the screen size. In general, the screen size and resolution are at the right values for the best display.
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