Summary of reasons why Win7 system cannot install drivers

The reason is that the driver is not compatible
driver is not compatible, that is to say, the driver you choose may conflict with the operating system and computer hardware you use, all of which will cause windows7 to fail to install the driver.
Cause 2, the driver itself's problem
The driver itself is generally not downloaded during the download process or the driver provided by the vendor has a problem, you can re-download to the reliable official website.
Cause 3, the driver installation sequence is not correct
The driver installation also requires a certain order, otherwise there will be problems that can not install a driver, here is generally recommended to install the driver in the order:
1 System Utility
2. Chipset
3. Graphics Driver
4. Smart Card Reader Driver
5. Audio Driver
6.Communication Driver
7.Network Card Driver< Br>8.Wireless network card driver
9. Fingerprint identification system

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