Starting with the Vista system, in order to provide system security, Microsoft began to emphasize the ownership of Windows files, as well as the user rights when the program is running, and limit the tampering of important files of the system. However, this also brings some problems to our usual use, and WIndows7 also has permission issues. When we find that some files cannot be modified, we need to obtain the administrator ownership of the file. Once we have it, we can modify it as we like.
The trick we are going to introduce is how to get the ownership of a file or folder:
Method 1: Add a menu to take ownership of the Windows 7 right-click menu: the specific implementation method is not difficult, save the following as text File, then modify the file with a .reg extension, double-click to import the registry.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@=“Administrator Ownership”
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*shellrunascommand]< Br>@=“cmd.exe /c takeown /f ”%1“ && icacls ”%1“ /grant administrators:F”
“IsolatedCommand”=“cmd.exe /c Takeown /f ”%1“ && icacls ”%1“ /grant administrators:F”
@=“Administrator takes ownership”
“NoWorkingDirectory” =“”
@=“cmd.exe /c takeown /f ”%1“ && icacls ”%1“ /grant administrators:F”
“IsolatedCommand”=“cmd.exe /c takeown /f ”%1“ && icacls ”%1“ /grant administrators:F”
@=“Management Get all ”
@=“cmd.exe /c takeown /f ”%1“ /r /dy && icacls &rdquo ;%1“ /grant administrators:F /t”
“IsolatedCommand”=“cmd.exe /c takeown /f ”%1“ /r /dy && icacls ”%1“ /Grant administrators: F /t & rdquo;
Method 2: Use the professional optimization tool to set the right-click menu.
There are many optimization tools mentioned here. Generally, WindowsVista optimization tools can be used to optimize WIndows7, such as Vista optimization master (enter download), Vista manager (enter download), etc., of course, those specially designed for Windows7. Optimization software can also achieve the same effect, such as Windows7 optimization master (enter download), Windows7 master and so on. In the system settings of these tools, the right-click settings have the function of adding administrator rights. I will not explain them in detail here. You can find them yourself.
Powerful features brought by administrator privileges
1, Registry access:
Description: Under non-SYSTEM permissions, users cannot access certain registry keys, such as “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESAM”,“ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESECURITY”etc. These items record the core data of the system, but some viruses or Trojans often visit here. For example, to create a hidden account with administrator privileges under the SAM project, by default, the administrator can't type "<quo;net user" in the command line or in the "local user and group" (lusrmgr.msc) Seen, it caused a lot of hidden dangers to the system. Under the "SYSTEM" permission, there is no barrier to accessing the registry, and all the black hands are exposed!
Operation: Open the registry manager, try to access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESAM and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESECURITY, and now you should have unlimited access.
2, access system restore file:
Description: System Restore is a self-protection measure of the windows system, it establishes a "System Colume Information" folder in each root directory, save some system information in preparation System recovery is used. If you don't want to use "System Restore", or if you want to delete some files under it, this folder has hidden, system properties, and non-SYSTEM permissions cannot be deleted. If you log in with SYSTEM privileges, you can delete it arbitrarily. You can even create a file under it to protect privacy.
Operation: Click on the <quo;Tools & Rarr; Folder Options> in the Explorer, and switch to the “View” tab in the pop-up "Folder Options" window, in the "Advanced Settings" setting. In the list, uncheck the "Hide Protected Operating Systems (Recommended)" checkbox, and then "Hide Files and Folders" and select "Show all files and folders". Then you can unrestricted access to the system restore C: System Volume Information.
3, replace the system file:
Description: Windows system for the system file to do a protection mechanism, under normal circumstances you are not possible to replace the system file, because the system has a backup of the system file, it exists in c :WINDOWSsystem32dllcache (assuming your system is installed on the C drive). When you replace the system file, the system will automatically restore the corresponding system file from this directory. When there is no corresponding system file in the directory, a prompt will pop up, allowing you to insert the installation disk. In practical applications, if you sometimes need to modify some system files in Diy's own system, or replace the low-level system files with high-level system files, let the system function improve. For example, the Window XP system only supports one user remote login, if you want it to support multi-user remote login. To replace the corresponding file of Window XP with the Windows 2003 remote login file. This is difficult to implement under non-SYSTEM privileges, but it can be easily implemented under SYSTEM permissions.
Operation: Extract the termsrv.dll file from the Windows 2003 system, and then replace the file with the same name under Windows C's C:WINDOWSsystem32 with this file. (For Windows XP SP2, you must also replace the C:WINDOWS$NtServicePackUninstall$ and C:WINDOWSServicePackFilesi386 directories with the same name). Then you can make Windows XP support multi-user remote login by setting the corresponding system.
4, manual anti-virus:
Description: Users in the process of using the computer are generally used Administrator or other administrator users to log in, after poisoning or after the Chinese, the virus, Trojans mostly run with administrator privileges of. After the system is poisoned, we usually use anti-virus software to kill the virus. If your killing is soft, or the anti-virus software can only be detected, but it can't be removed, then you can only go bare-chested and manually kill the virus. Under the Adinistrator permission, if the manual killing is incapable of some viruses, it is generally necessary to boot into the safe mode, and sometimes it can not be cleaned even in the safe mode. If you log in with SYSTEM privileges, it is much easier to kill the virus.
Operation: (Take a manual anti-virus as an example, I simulated a manual anti-virus on the virtual machine for a while before the screenshot.) "Play the Windows Task Manager" and found a suspicious process <;86a01.exe&rdquo ;, under the Administrator administrator can not end the process, of course, it is even more difficult to delete the original virus file in the system directory <;86a01.exe”. Log in to the system with System privileges, the process is successfully ended, then delete the original virus file, clear the relevant options in the registry, the virus is completely cleaned out of the system.