How to set win7 one button to close all programs

Sometimes the program is opened more, the computer will be stuck, the response is slow, and the machine crashes for a long time. At this time, you need to close the program and release the win7 system system resources. One by one is inevitably too slow and too troublesome. How to close all programs with one click?
Operation steps
1. Right click on the desktop blank and select “New” "New”, “Shortcut”, then enter The following: Taskkill /F /FI "imagename ne explorer.exe" /FI "imagename ne dwm.exe"

Figure 1

Figure 2
2, for this shortcut You can get a nice name. Click on this shortcut to find out if all running programs are closed and the speed is fast.

Figure 3
Additional Notes
1, you can set a nice icon and a convenient shortcut for the shortcut. As shown in Figure 4. If it is win7 Ultimate, for more convenience, you can also drag it to the taskbar. As shown in Figure 5.

Figure 4

Figure 5
2, taskkill is used to kill the built-in commands of the process, /F parameter means forced kill process, /FI means filter, ImageName ne explorer. Exe means not killing the explorer.exe process, more help please enter tasklist /? view.

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