The meaning of the commonly used registry key, you have to know!

Do you know the meaning of the common key values ​​of the registry? A question, many people come up with a question mark in their minds, today, Xiaobian wants to tell you the common key values ​​of the registry It means very important, can help you solve a lot of problems, because most of them are disabled, the restrictions are all done by modifying the registry, so this tutorial is for everyone to explain the meaning of the registry key values. It is collected from the Internet and is organized for sharing as follows.
KEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Control Panel
; Internet Explorer Options Class
"HomePage"=dword: 00000001 ; prohibit changing the home page setting 〖0=moasible〗
"Cache"=dword:00000001; prohibit changing the temporary Internet file settings 〖0=modifiable〗
"History"=dword:00000001; History setting 〖0=modifiable〗
"Colors"=dword:00000001 ; It is forbidden to modify the color of [Text] and [Background] 〖0=Modify〗
"Links"=dword:00000001; Prohibition to modify [chain 】Color setting 〖0=Modify〗
"Languages"=dword:00000001 ;Prohibit modification [Language] setting 〖0=Modify〗
"Accessibility"=dword:00000001 ;Prohibit modification [Accessibility 】Color setting 〖0=can be modified〗
"Rating"=dword:00000001; prohibit modification of grading settings 〖0=modifiable〗
"Certificates"=dword:00000001 ; prohibit changing certificate settings 〖0= Can be modified
"FormSuggestPasswords"=dword:00000001 ; prohibit using save password 〖0=modifiable〗
"Profiles"=dword:00000001; disable change configuration file 〖0=modifiable〗
"ConnwizAdminLock"=dword:00000001 ;Disable Internet Connection Wizard 〖0=Modify〗
"ConnectionSettings"=dword:00000001 ;Do not change connection settings 〖0=Modify〗
"Proxy"=dword :00000001 ; prohibit modification of proxy server settings 〖0=modifiable〗
"Messaging"=dword:00000001 ; prohibit modification of associated programs (mail, newsgroup, call) 〖0=modifiable〗
"CalendarContact" ;=dword:00000001 It is forbidden to modify the associated program (calendar, contact list) 〖0=modifiable〗
"Check_If_Default"=dword:00000001; prohibit modification of the default browser 〖0=modifiable〗
"Advanced"=dword :00000001 ; prohibit modification of advanced tab 〖0=modifiable〗
"ResetWebSettings"=dword:00000001; limit restore to default value 〖0=modifiable〗
; Shield Internet Explorer tab class〗 Br>"GeneralTab"=dword:00000001 ;Shield [General] tab 〖0=Display〗
"SecurityTab"=dword:00000001 ; Shield [Security] tab 〖0=Display〗
" ContentTab"=dword:00000001 ; Shield [Content] tab 〖0=Display〗
"ConnectionsTab"=dword:00000001 ; Shield [Connection] tab 〖0=Display〗
"ProgramsTab"=dword :00000001 ; Shield [Program] tab 〖0=Display〗
"AdvancedTab"=dword:00000001 ; Shield [Advanced] tab 〖0=Display〗
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Restrictions]

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