Win7 system booting time CPU usage is too high

Q: Windows 7 system, just half an hour after booting, CPU usage is 100%, open process found that the two processes are mainly 360tray.exe and Svchost.exe take up a lot of CPU resources To. How can I solve this problem?
A: This problem occurs because a certain process in the system is abnormal or the system is infected with viruses, such as rogue behavior and Trojan horse programs. 360troy.exe is the Trojan firewall module of 360 security guards. After monitoring the system abnormality, it tries to kill or repair, which leads to excessive CPU usage. It is recommended to use the latest version of anti-virus software to detect the system, then uninstall the recently installed suspicious program, or try to close some program processes directly in the process list, determine the program that caused the problem, and then uninstall.

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