Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor to download and run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor to see if your PC is ready to upgrade Windows 7. It scans your hardware, devices, and installed programs for known compatibility issues, provides guidance on how to resolve potential problems found, and suggests what to do before upgrading.
Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor Details
File Name: Windows7UpgradeAdvisorSetup.exe
Version: 2.0.4000.0
Published Date: 2009/11/23
Language: Chinese (Simplified) < BR>Download size: 8.3 MB
Expected download time: 21 minutes 56K dial-up (56K) DSL/Cable (256K) DSL/Cable (768K)T1 (1.5M) 21 minutes
Windows 7 Upgrade Consultant Official download page: FamilyID=1B544E90-7659-4BD9-9E51-2497C146AF15&displaylang=en-us
Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor Overview
Before You Begin: Make sure to insert and open you often with the PC you are checking Any USB device or other device, such as a printer, external hard drive, and scanner.
Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor scans your PC for potential compatibility issues and gives you an idea of your Windows 7 upgrade options. In a few minutes, you will get a report telling you if your PC meets the system requirements, if you find any known compatibility issues in your hardware, devices, and installed programs, and provide information about installing on your PC. Guidance on what should be done before Windows 7.
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Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7; Windows Vista; Windows XP Service Pack 2
.NET Framework 2.0 or higher (if you are running Windows XP)
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