Computer shop message double-clicking the file to open very slowly Cause analysis: One is that almost all the folders are open very slowly, the other is just that the individual folders are opened very slowly, the former is related to the system configuration and the overall system settings, after It is a detailed setting problem. It may be encountered by every netizen. Most people adopt an attitude of turning a blind eye or persevering. There are few special searches on this issue. Tianyuan will put together such questions. It may not be complete, but it still has some reference functions. If you encounter such slow opening problems, you can refer to it. Currently, you only test the Windows XP environment.
The following are arranged according to the common and possibility of the problem. From the top to the bottom of the question, please refer to your own system (such as always using BT, optimization software, etc.). Try everything all.
First, the basic settings check class
1, if the disk partition is very large, such as more than 60G+, and there are a large number of files, when the system restore monitoring is turned on, it will also affect the file open speed.
2, before the opening is very slow, confirm whether you have used the optimization tool, if possible, please cancel the optimization settings and use the optimization tool with caution.
3. If a folder contains a large number of executable files (.exe/.vbs/autorun/, etc.), the anti-virus software real-time scanning function will scan one by one when it is opened, which will also affect the opening. Speed, but Tianyuan is not recommended to close. If the anti-virus software scans the compressed package, it will also affect the list speed of a large number of compressed files under the folder.
4, for disk cleaning (including "pre-read files under C:\\WINDOWS\\Prefetch and temporary files in C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp".
5, for disk fragmentation Finishing, if the phenomenon of the drive before the BT use or a large number of files, it is best to defragment.
6, disable "automatically search for network folders and printers", one method: control panel & mdash; & mdash; folder options, click to view, as follows
7, open DMA transfer Mode
Second, the registry settings class
1, if the directory contains a large number of files, because each time you open, the system needs to update the folder's last access time and other parameters, also Will affect the speed of the folder file list. If you need to turn off the update access time, you can create a DWORD key NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate under the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\FileSystem, the value is 1, and restart the machine.
2, if the folder contains a large number of video or image files, if the system opens the preview function by default, it will also affect the list file speed.
On Windows XP, you can disable the video preview function by typing regsvr32 /u shmedia.dll in the Start —— run. To restore the video preview function, use the regsvr32 shmedia.dll command.
To turn off the Windows XP image preview function, at the beginning —— run, type regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll and press Enter to turn off the image preview function. To restore the image preview function, use regsvr32 shimgvw.dll command.
3, check the SHELL extension (registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\*\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\*\\shellex\\PropertySheetHandlers) settings are damaged, you can rename the two to see if the file is open Still very slow.
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