Possible situation:
Symptom 1: If you right mouse button, move to the right-click menu bar “ New & rdquo; The response is very slow when commanded.
Phenomenon 2: When the mouse is placed in the blank space of the desktop, the response speed of the right-click menu is very slow.
1. Press the Windows logo key + R key combination on the keyboard to open the Run dialog box, then enter “regedit” and click “OK”, As shown in Figure 2:
2, in the open "Registry Editor" window, open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshellexContextMenuHandlers;
3, then the ContextMenuHandlers folder under the new The folders can be deleted, and then you can exit the registry and save.
First of all, lets analyze the cause of the fault. Under normal circumstances, after we double-click
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