How to quickly delete batches of win7.Svn format file


1. First, we need to return to the desktop location of the win7 Ultimate computer. After that, we find a blank space, click the right mouse button and select New - Notepad document.

2. After that, double-click to open the Notepad document, and then copy the following code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesFoldershellDeleteSVN] @="Delete SVN Folders" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesFoldershellDeleteSVNcommand] @="cmd. Exe /c "TITLE Removing SVN Folders in %1 && COLOR 9A && FOR /r "%1" %%f IN (.svn) DO RD /s /q "%%f" ""

3. After completion, we click on the file at the top of the window - save as, and then save the file as a .reg file, such as Xiaobian name delete. Svn File .reg, after that, double-click this to delete the .svn file .reg file and import it into the registry.

4. Finally, we found the folder containing “.Svn” select its file and right click to select “DeleteSVN” to delete.

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