Reason one, bios self-test maintenance
After the computer system completes the self-test of the graphics card, it will generally check from the beginning bios code. The version number of the bios is usually displayed on the display. .
Cause two, cpu l2 or l1 cache is not completely damaged or cpu other circuits appear aging phenomenon
When our host completes the initialization of the graphics card, the next step is to detect cpu self-test. When the c1's l1 or l2 fails, it will be stuck for a long time at “check nvram......”. When this fault occurs, some machines can also enter the cmos setting. We can manually close the l1 and l2 of the cpu and try to observe whether the machine can pass the self-test. If you can, then the cpu can basically slow down. If not, you can only replace the cpu to solve this problem.
When the cpu is partially damaged, it often shows that the system reports a bios error (the class is destroyed by the cich virus), l1 or l2 error, can not pass the self-test, can only enter the safe mode, automatically restart during the startup process And so on.
Cause three, the graphics card is faulty
When the bios of the graphics card is damaged or the agp communication circuit is faulty, the computer will not be able to complete the initialization of the graphics card, resulting in a long screen at the startup of the host. Time to stay in the graphics card bios self-test can not pass and lead to crash.
Generally, the motherboard is used for two or three years. Because the machine works for a long time at high temperature, the filter capacitor around the cpu is lost due to baking, which causes the increase of the AC component in the cpu power supply, which means that the machine is not easy to start. It takes several times to boot up and occasionally to boot into the desktop. It often crashes during the self-test, and the fault is very unstable and changes.
Cause four, memory module repair failure
When the computer win7 system completes cpu detection, it will perform the memory test phase. If we turn off the post quick detection option, we won't see a long time in the memory test world when we turn it on. After a few times, we can only test it once.
When the memory chip is faulty or the memory slot is deformed and the memory is in poor contact, the memory stick gold finger is oxidized, the memory slot metal reed is deformed or broken, and the memory supply voltage is low or high. The test failed to pass and crashed.
Reason 5, bios chip failure or bios virus damage
After the general host power up, the bios code program is first completed, first win7 system will put the first in bios The instruction reads into the memory and interprets the execution. The instruction is the same whether it is an award or an ami. It is a 3-byte jump instruction. The next step is to read the bios bootstrap block to complete the detection and loading of the bios itself. Only after the computer system reads the bios code into the memory, the CPU will start self-test and start according to the code program.
If there are not many faults in bios, occasionally the bios chip will fail due to aging, and some of the memory units will be incomplete, resulting in incomplete program code, which will not complete the system function call and cannot start normally. In addition, viruses such as cih maliciously rewrite the motherboard's bios code, causing the host to fail to boot. After booting, the host can power up normally, the fan works, but the self-test process cannot be completed. At the same time, the display has text display and the host has an alarm. Sound; of course, serious may only be powered, the display has no image, and the host has no alarm.
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