What should I do if Windows 7 system pops up "Internet Explorer is not responding"?


Internet Explorer is a browser that comes with the Windows operating system. Many users use the Internet Explorer browser for convenience. However, when a Windows 7 system user recently opened the Internet Explorer browser, it popped up a "Internet Explorer not responding" prompt, what should I do?


1, encountered such a situation, click on the window & ldquo; close the program & rdquo; end the current error browser process;

2, if there is no reaction, you can open the task Manager, under the processes tab, find iexplorer.exe, click end process;

3, open the control panel, select Internet options;

4, click on the & ldquo; browsing history & rdquo; a bar & ldquo; delete & rdquo; button;

5, switch to the & ldquo; Superior & rdquo; tab, click on the & ldquo; reset & rdquo; button;

6, if there are issues can also switch in Internet options to & ldquo; & rdquo ;, remove security & ldquo; enable Protected mode & rdquo; is checked, and click OK;

7, it could also be due to too many add-in & ldquo; program & rdquo; the next tab, click on the & ldquo; manage Add-ons & rdquo; button to disable unwanted add-ons;

8, through the above measures still can not solve the problem, then you should consider the browser The body has a problem, you can try the relevant documents registered with the dynamic chain, press Win + R to open the Run, and type: regsvr32 atl.dll

9, the success will be prompted to register, and click OK;

then, the above steps to continue to register the dynamic chain of the following documents:

regsvr32 hlink.dll

regsvr32 cscui.dll

Regsvr32 query.dll

regsvr32 jscript.dll

regsvr32 shell32.dll

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

regsvr32 msxml3.dll

Regsvr32 MLANG.dll

regsvr32 stobject.dll

regsvr32 vbscript.dll

regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll

regsvr32 shdocvw.dll

Regsvr32 oleaut32.dll

regsvr32 browseui.dll

regsvr32 WINHTTP.dll

regsvr32 mshtmled.dll

regsvr32 CLBCATQ.DLL

Normally, the user can solve the problem that Internet Explorer is not responding to the fifth step. If the above complete operation is completed, However, if the problem is not solved, then it is best to reinstall the system or install another browser.

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