With more and more system files or tasks, a single process is a huge project for us. Is there any way to handle a lot of things at once? This method is of course available, you can use commands to Do it, let me introduce how to use the command batch process.
mode con cols=85 lines=30
title win7 final batch processing
color 3d
ECHO 1 - Clean up win7, vista system garbage 2 - Fix open picture slow
ECHO 3 - Restart explorer process 4 - Open System Resource Monitor
ECHO 5 - Clear taskbar history icon 6 - Remove shortcut small arrow (already modified)
ECHO 7 - Restore shortcut small arrow 8 - Optimize system service [ Caution]
ECHO 9 - Clear Picture Location Redundant Folder 0 - Exit
ECHO a - Modify File Name b - Computer Shutdown Operation
ECHO c - Hard Disk Format ntfs x - Other Information and Needs Please select here
ECHO d - Clean up xp system garbage
set choice=
set /p choice=Please enter your choice:
if /i ' %choice%'=='1' goto a
if /i '%choice%'=='2' goto b
if /i '%choice%'=='3 ' goto c
if /i '%choice%'=='4' goto d
If /i '%choice%'=='5' goto e
if /i '%choice%'=='6' goto f
if /i '%choice%' =='7' goto g
if /i '%choice%'=='8' goto h
if /i '%choice%'=='9' goto i< Br>
if /i '%choice%'=='a' goto l
if /i '%choice%'=='b' goto k
if /i '%choice%'=='c' goto j
if /i '%choice%'=='x' goto x
if /i '%choice%'==' D' goto m
if /i '%choice%'=='0' goto end
echo Clearing system junk files, please wait. ..... -
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.tmp -
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*._mp -
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.log -
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.gid -
del /f /s /q % Systemdrive%*.chk -
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%*.old -
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%recycled*.* -
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