Briefly introduce the top ten shortcut keys and operation skills of Win7 system


The function of the shortcut key is to enable the user to achieve the operation effect more quickly when operating the computer. Therefore, if some work requires efficiency, the shortcut key is very large, and win 7 also has many shortcut keys. I don't know how much you know about it?

1. Win+Shift+ up and down direction keys

Large screen, high resolution display devices are very important for people engaged in design and art. Needed, but for the everyday use of ordinary people, too large screens are sometimes a drag. Windows 7 has a highly maximized operation, you can maximize the current window height by Win+Shift+Up key combination, and the width is unchanged; the same as before, Win+Shift+ down can restore the original position.

How to operate with the mouse? When you mouse over the top edge of the window and turn it into a double arrow pattern, you can maximize the height by pulling the mouse to the top of the desktop. Stopping at the lower edge of the window and pulling down to the bottom has the same effect.

2, Win+ up and down direction keys

When you want to maximize the current window, you can also use the keyboard combination operation of Win+ up arrow; Win+ down arrow can be restored to the original window. You can also minimize it by pressing the Win+Down arrow under the original window.

For maximizing, restoring, etc. In addition to the above shortcuts and the previous mouse mode, there is an operation mode, you can stop the mouse on the window title bar and click and drag to the top edge of the screen, the window will Will automatically maximize; the same, dragging away from the top will restore the original window.

3, Win + left and right direction keys

With the popularity of 19-inch widescreen display, two or more windows side by side in a screen has a very practical meaning, but each time It is inconvenient to arrange the size and position manually. The emergence of Windows7 has improved this problem to a certain extent. If you only need two windows side by side, you can do it with a combination of keys. Win+ left the current window to the left with the screen center line as the reference, and maximizes (Win+ restores the original position to the right); Win+ to the right is displayed to the right (Win+ to the left). With this set of shortcuts, you can easily display any two windows side by side. This feature is useful for friends who write often, you can use half of the information to display the information and the other half to place the editing software.

4, Win+Shift+ left and right direction keys

This is a shortcut key designed for computers connected to multiple display devices. Previously moving the program to another display required dragging, and now using these two sets of shortcuts makes it easy to send the current window to the left or right display.

5, Win+Home key

The function of this key combination is to keep only the current program window, while minimizing other windows, press again to restore all windows. There is another way to achieve this operation. Left click on the title bar and hold it down, then shake it three times at medium to top speed and then three times to recover. This is also suitable for operation of touch screen devices.