How to turn on/off hardware acceleration for Win7 system?


Very good if a video player is playing ultra-clear or Blu-ray video, it will take up a lot of memory resources, limited to the operating efficiency of the hardware, this kind of video can not be played perfectly, there may be a Caton Feeling, this time you need hardware acceleration help, if you turn on hardware acceleration, this function is of course no problem, if you do not turn on hardware acceleration, you can understand how to turn off hardware acceleration.

to modify the hardware acceleration:

Copy the contents will look into Notepad, save as .bat format, can be run directly!

1. Turn off hardware acceleration:

  1. 01
    @echo off
  2. 02
    title Open DirectDraw
  3. 03
    mode con:cols=50 lines=12
  4. 04
    color ff
  5. 05
    echo is starting DirectDraw acceleration...
  6. 06
    reg add "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Direct3D/Drivers" /v SoftwareOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f 0>nul 1>nul< Br>
  7. 07
    reg add "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/DirectDraw" /v EmulationOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f 0>nul 1>nul
  8. 08
    gpupdate /force 0>nul 1>nul

    Copy code @echo offtitle Open DirectDrawmode con:cols=50 lines=12color ffecho Starting DirectDraw acceleration...reg add "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Direct3D/Drivers" /v SoftwareOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f 0>nul 1>nulreg add "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/DirectDraw" /v EmulationOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f 0>nul 1> Nulgpupdate /force 0>nul 1>nul

    2, turn on hardware acceleration:

    1. 01
      @echo off
    2. 02
      title Close DirectDraw
    3. 03
      mode con:cols=50 lines=12
    4. 04
      color ff
    5. 05
      echo is turning off DirectDraw acceleration...
    6. 06
      reg add "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Direct3D/Drivers" /v SoftwareOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f 0>nul 1>nul
    7. 07
      reg add "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/DirectDraw" /v EmulationOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f 0>nul 1> ;nul
    8. 08
      gpupdate /force 0>nul 1>nul

      Copy code @echo offtitle Close DirectDrawmode con:cols=50 lines=12color ffecho Shutting down DirectDraw acceleration ...reg add "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Direct3D/Drivers" /v SoftwareOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f 0>nul 1>nulreg add "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/DirectDraw" /v EmulationOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f 0>nul 1>nulgpupdate /force 0>nul 1>nul

      However, hardware acceleration has a disadvantage, that is, it will accelerate the consumption of hardware life. If it is not necessary, the user will also speed off the hardware.

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