Win7 system upgrade is a way of daily maintenance of Windows. When there is a security risk in the Win7 system, Microsoft will push the latest update patch to strengthen the system. Recently, some users have popped up the error message "0X80070643" when updating the patch. What should I do? How to solve such a problem? Next, let me talk about the solution for error code 0X80070643 when Win7 update patch.
This error is encountered when I installed VS2012 and found this error code --0x80070643 in the error log.
Through a long time to find information and try, I basically understand the general reasons and solutions of 0x80070643, by the way.
This problem may be encountered when installing a lot of software. Typical things like MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials), Zune, Visual Studio 2012, .NET, etc., seem to be Microsoft's. . .
to paste the log files for errors parts:
[199C: 1944] [2012-10-20T17: 24: 08]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to install MSI package.
[199C: 1944] [2012-10-20T17: 24: 08]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute MSI package
[1938: 121C]. [2012-10-20T17: 24:08]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to configure per-machine MSI package.
[1938:121C][2012-10-20T17:24:08]: MUX: Installation size in bytes for package: vs_devenv MaxAppDrive: 614400 MaxSysDrive: 450560 AppDrive: 0 SysDrive: 311296
[1938:121C][2012-10-20T17:24:08]: MUX: Return Code:0x80070643 Msi Messages:1406 Result Detail:0 Restart :None
[1938:121C][2012-10-20T17:24:09]: MUX: Unregistering and registering msiexec.
[1938:121C][2012-10-20T17: 24:09]: MUX: Executing Process: Exe:C:\\Windows\\system32\\msiexec.exe Arguments:/unreg
[1938:121C [2012-10-20T17: 24: 09]: MUX: Process exit code: 0
[1938: 121C] [2012-10-20T17: 24: 09]: MUX: Executing Process: Exe: C :\\Windows\\system32\\msiexec.exe Arguments:/regserver
[1938:121C][2012-10-20T17:24:09]: MUX: Process exit code: 0
[ 1938: 121C] [2012-10-20T17: 24: 09]: MUX: Retrying the package again
[1938: 121C] [2012-10-20T17: 24: 09]: Application requested retry of package : vs_devenv, encountered error: 0x80070643. Retrying. .
[199C: 1944] [2012-10-20T17: 24: 09]: Applying execute package: vs_devenv, action: Install, path: C: \\ ProgramData \\ Package Cache \\ {330E5D98-20D2-4CA4- AE51-FCB8AA80F634} v11.0.50727 \\ packages \\ vs_devenv \\ vs_devenv.msi, arguments: & lsquo; MSIFASTINSTALL = & ldquo; 7 & rdquo; VSEXTUI = & ldquo; 1 & rdquo; VS7.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 = & ldquo; H: \\ Program Files \\ microsoft visual studio 12 & rdquo; & rsquo ;
[1938:121C][2012-10-20T17:24:12]: MUX: ExecuteError: Package (vs_devenv) failed: Error Message Id: 1406 ErrorMessage: Could not write value devenv.exe to key \\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\FeatureControl\\FEATURE_RESTRICT_ABOUT_PROTOCOL_IE7. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.
[199C:1944][2012-10-20T17:24: 13]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to install MSI package.
[199C:1944][2012-10-20T17:24:13]: Error 0x80070643: Failed To execute MSI package.
[1938:121C][2012-10-20T17:24:13]: Error 0x80070643: Failed to configure per-machine MSI package.
There are also many online People encounter this problem and post the error log, and then the response is generally: the installation package has a problem, the next iso or online installation and other answers, and the probability of this method to solve the problem seems to be gray .
In fact, there is a possible problem: there is a problem with the permissions of
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\FeatureControl\\FEATURE_RESTRICT_ABOUT_PROTOCOL_IE7 in the registry. If some optimization software is installed, the "full read" permission may be given, and only the "read” permission is given. As long as you manually open the "Complete Read" permission, there should be a possibility of resolution.
Of course, this is just one of a variety of error situations. The specific problem depends on the error log at the time.
Then, there is a possible solution for error code 0x80070643 when installing the .NET Framework. (Refer to microsoft official help and support)
This error occurs because this issue can occur if the MSI software update registration is corrupted or if the .NET installation on your computer is corrupted.
Method 1: Fix the MSI software update registration corruption issue. To fix it automatically, you can find the relevant software download from and install it. However, this method does not work for Win7.
Method 2: Fix an unupdated version of the .NET Framework.
If you are running Win Vista or Win7, perform the following steps:
Close all applications.
Click “Start”, type “Uninstall" in the "Search” box, then click “Uninstall a program”.
Double-click "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile".
Select “Finish .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to its original state” and click “Next”.
Once you have completed the repair, click “Complete”.
Click “Restart now” to restart your computer.
After restarting your computer, click “Start”, type “Windows Update" in the "Search" box, and then click “Windows Update" to install the latest Windows update.
If you are running WinXP, perform the following steps:
Close all applications.
Click “Start”,“Control Panel" and “Add or Remove Programs".
Click on the "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile" in the list of installed programs, and then click “Change/Remove”.
Select “Finish .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to its original state” and click “Next”.
Once you have completed the repair, click “Complete”.
Click “Restart now”.
After restarting your computer and logging in to Windows, click “Start”, type “Windows Update" in the "Search” box, and then click “Windows Update”.
Click “Check for updates”. When the scan is complete, click “Install Windows Update" and follow the instructions.
The above is the solution to the Win7 update patch pop-up "0X80070643" error code, such as when you update the system, there are similar situations, may wish to refer to the above steps to operate, I hope to help You solve the problem.
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