The Win7 system shuts down slowly, and it takes a long time to respond after pressing the shutdown button. At this time, we must find a way to speed up the speed of Win7 shutdown, let's introduce to you the speed of the shutdown speed under Win7 system.
Specific steps:
1. Press “Win+R” call out the operation, enter “gpedit.msc” and press Enter to open “Group Policy Editor”;< Br>
2, in the "strategy group editor" left side of the list in the list expands & ldquo; computer configuration & mdash; & mdash; management template & mdash; & mdash; system & mdash; & mdash; shutdown option & rdquo;; Br>
3, after the "Shutdown option", we find in the list on the right "Close the automatic termination function of the application that will block or cancel the shutdown", double-click to open;
< Br>
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