Quickly clear all account cookies under windows7


Users rarely know that some websites or browsers will set a cookie on the resources on the website. As long as the personal account is logged into the website, a cookie record will be generated on the local system. To clear these cookies, you must log in. The account can be deleted, but such an operation is very troublesome, so there are friends who ask if there is a simpler way to quickly clear the answer, of course, the answer is yes.


1, first open the notepad, then copy the following into Notepad:

echo off

color 0a



::Title is cleaning up cookies and browser junk files under all accounts of this machine

dir “%SystemDrive%\\ Documents and Settings\\” /ad/b 》%SystemDrive%\\DirTmp.txt

for /f %%a in (%SystemDrive%\\DirTmp.txt) do del /f /s /q “ %SystemDrive%\\Documents and Settings\\%%a\\Cookies\\*.*”&del /f /s /q “%SystemDrive%\\Documents and Settings\\%%a\\Local Settings\\Temporary Internet Files\\* .*”

del /f /q %SystemDrive%\\DirTmp.txt


2, then click on the “file” menu in Notepad , and then select “Save as ” command;

3, in the pop-up dialog box, first select “ save type & rdquo; for & ldquo; all files & rdquo;, then in the “ file name & rdquo; Enter the file name, then End with .bat, and finally click “Save” button;

4. Then find and double-click the saved .bat file. In the pop-up window, you can see that the current program is automatically cleaning all the computers. Cookie file under the account;

5, at this time you open the "My computer" under the root directory of the C drive, you should be able to see a DirTmp.txt file, this file is just our program Generated, which is all the accounts that have logged in to this machine, we can delete them manually!

The most stupid way to clear cookies is to open each account and delete it. However, such an operation is time-consuming and labor-intensive. After the introduction of the above methods, as long as you master a skill, you can use all the windows7 system. The account cookie is cleared, simple and convenient.

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