How to install Apache 64-bitBinaries with Windows 7 x64


Windows 7 is Microsoft's latest operating system, and market penetration is steadily rising. As a brand new operating system, Windows 7 new features and new techniques are naturally quite a lot. Today, Xiaobian will explain how Windows 7x64 installs Apache64-bit?

Installed Windows 7 x64 English version, when building a development test environment, I found that Apache official did not provide a 64-bit version. After several searches, I found that someone in compiled an Apache64-bitbinaries with Visual Studio 2005. I tried it and it works well on Windows 7 64-bit. The installation process is recorded as follows:

Windows 7 x64 Installing Apache 64-bitBinaries detailed steps

1. Access ::Apache64-bitBinaries, click on the link below httpd-2.2.13-win64 .rar, download the Apache64-bit compression package.

2. Unzip the zip to your local hard drive. For example, I am stored in D:/Web/Tool/httpd-2.2-x64.

3. Run DOS Command (Runasadministrator) as an administrator and go to D:/Web/Tool/httpd-2.2-x64.

4. Execute httpd -k install:

D:\\Web\\Tool\\httpd-2.2-x64\\bin>httpd -k install

Installing the Apache2.2 Service

The Apache2.2 service is successfully installed.

Testing httpd.conf....

Errors reported here must be corrected before theservicecanbestarted.

httpd: Syntax error online35ofD:/Web/Tool/httpd-2.2-x64/conf/httpd.conf:

ServerRootmust be a valid directory

When executing httpd -k install Showing The Apache2.2serviceissuccessfullyinstalled indicates that the installation was successful. The next Testinghttpd.conf may be wrong. For example, I reported ServerRoot must be avaliddirectory when I installed it. I don't care. Go back and edit httpd.conf yourself, point ServerRoot to the correct directory.

5. After modifying httpd.conf, execute httpd -k start:

D:\\Web\\Tool\\httpd-2.2-x64\\bin>httpd -k start


If there is no prompt error, the startup is successful.

Of course, you can also perform the second step, first change the httpd.conf file, then execute httpd -k install and httpd-kstart.

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