Win7 system to play the game press shift key will appear sticky key window how to solve


Win7 system game play Shift key will appear sticky key window how to solve

1, press 5 times shift. There will be a “sticky key” window as shown in the figure, click “Go to Easy Access Center, disable keyboard shortcuts”;

2. If you only tick “> enable sticky keys” If you are sure at this time, you will still be able to remove or disable the sticky key, you press the shift or the "sticky key" window;

3, you have to check the continuous The sticky key is enabled when the shift key is five times;

4. In this case, the next time you press SHIFT, the “sticky key” window will not appear. If you want to change the original setting, You need to enter the “sticky key" in the start menu to find a key in the key combination ";

5, click “One key in a key combination " In the pop-up control panel you will find "Set sticky key".

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