Win7 system mrt.exe is what process


What process is mrt.exe, is it a virus or a Trojan masquerading program? How to delete this process?

mrt.exe file description:

Process path: C:/windows/system32/mrt.exe (system installation path)

Process name: Malicious Software Removal Tool.

Process name: Malicious Software Removal Tool.

mrt.exe is a Microsoft Enhanced Installation Technology related program that monitors spyware and other system processes to access the network without your knowledge.

Publisher: Microsoft

belongs to: Microsoft Windows Operating System

Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool System Process: Yes

Using Network: No

Hardware related: No

Common errors: Unknown N/A

Memory usage: Unknown N/A

Security level (0-5): 0

Spyware: No

Adware: No

Virus: No

Trojan: No

As you can see from the above, the process It is a malware removal tool that monitors spyware and other system processes without your knowledge of accessing the network. Delete method: After ending the process, delete C:/windows/system32/mrt.exe. The Microsoft Malware Removal Tool can also be found in the uninstaller for removal.

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