Many financial financial statements are no longer just simple personal currency, if you want to settle with foreign customers, you need to use a variety of The currency, and the currency of different countries need to be converted to each other, then if you use windows7 system, this is a simple matter, win7 system has a small tool with its own exchange rate conversion, add it to the desktop After that, I can help you to convert quickly. How to set it up? Win7 Home Xiaobian will share the exchange rate conversion widget on this Win7 desktop.
1. First right click on the blank space in the desktop and select “> gadgets”;
2. In the open gadget, double-click the “Currency” gadget, ie Can be added to the desktop;
3. After the addition is complete, you will see a small window. By default, two columns will appear in the currency widget, and then select the currency type to be converted in the drop-down list. , you can see the exchange rate;
4, if you need more kinds of currency exchange rate, you can click the “+” button in the bottom right corner of the small window, click to add a column to display ;
5, if you open a lot of windows, you can minimize or directly move the mouse to the lower right corner of the screen, all windows will be transparent, revealing the gadget on the desktop, so that it is convenient Check the data.
Tips: Window transparency requires win7 family advanced version or above to achieve, if you are win7 home version of the regular version, you can upgrade win7 to the flagship version
Win7 desktop How to set up the exchange rate conversion gadget is shared with you. If you often have to touch the exchange rate conversion between various currencies, it is not a good idea to add the exchange rate widget to the desktop. Interested friends can Give it a try.
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