Play win7 system game manager

Easily play Win7 system game manager. Win7 game manager can integrate many games into one window and display the details of each game completely, so it is very convenient for us to choose your favorite game to play. But the fly in the ointment is that Windows 7 Game Manager only supports the display of certain games developed by Microsoft itself (such as "Red Heart Wars"). Can our ghost xp sp3 add any game that we usually like to play to Win 7's game manager? The answer is certainly yes. Next, the author will add the classic FPS game “Counter Strike” as an example to introduce how to achieve. Let third-party games display the games that Win7 Game Manager can display by default in the game manager, because the details of each game are saved to the registry. Therefore, we add a custom game to this game manager "Counter Strike", also have to modify the registry to achieve. But before modifying the table, we must obtain the specific values ​​of the three parameters SID, GUID, and FileTime related to modifying the registry. Enter the command to view the value tips: SID is the security identifier, which is the unique number that identifies the user, group, and computer account. The GUID is a globally unique identifier that is a 128-bit hexadecimal integer that is generated by a specific algorithm. FileTime is the file time, which indicates that a given file was created, last accessed, or last written at a specific date and time. Click “Start →Run”, then type PowerShell in the pop-up "Run" dialog box and press Enter to run PowerShell, then enter the next three Dos commands in the window (one DOS command per input) Press the Enter key):whoami /user[Guid]::NewGuid()[DateTime]::MaxValue.ToFileTime()

When the above operation is completed, the generated SID, GUID, and FileTime will be generated. Copy the specific values ​​of the parameters into Notepad and use them as a backup.

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