3, in the solid-state hard disk will disable the SuperFetch Why?
will, but not absolute.
Microsoft originally intended to completely disable SuperFetch on solid-state hard drive, but on the part of the system encountered significant performance degradation, but later found the first generation of SSDs random write and erase operations too often, eventually leading to The read speed became extremely slow, and with SuperFetch and other prefetching technologies turned on, performance improved significantly.
4, NTFS will compress folders and files on the SSD it?
compressed files helps free space available, but the compression and decompression require additional CPU resources, but also in a notebook It will consume more power, so it is only suitable for files that are not commonly used, but it is not necessary for files and folders that are frequently read and written, such as my documents, such as temporary Internet folders.
5, Windows search index in the solid-state hard disk will be different from what?
6, BitLocker What optimized for solid-state drive?
Yes, the NTFS file system. BitLocker reads, encrypts, and writes to the entire partition, and the NTFS file system uses the Trim command to help the SSD optimize this operation.
7, Media Center configuration in the solid-state hard disk will be different from what?
not. Media recording and playback are mostly continuous operations, and the unit capacity of SSDs is now much more expensive than traditional hard drives, so storage and backup are still the preferred mechanical hard drives.
8, solid state disk write cache on What makes sense? If solid-state drives support write cache, Windows7 What is the appropriate measure?
some solid-state drive in addition to flash memory chips, the main controller, A certain amount of RAM is also added as a cache, which is mimicking the traditional hard disk to cache writes. For such devices, the erase and write commands in Windows 7 are expected to remain at the same level as traditional hard drives.
9, RAID SSDs make sense it?
Yes. SSD RAID can achieve the same performance and reliability as mechanical hard disk RAID.
10, page file should be placed on a solid-state drive it?
Yes. Most page file (Pagefile.sys) operations are very small random reads or large continuous writes, which is where SSDs are best at.
Microsoft on the page file to read and write thousands of times after the track was found, the page file to read, write ratio is 40: 1,67% smaller than 4KB, 88% less than 16KB, 62% of writes are no less than 128KB, and 45% are exactly 1MB.
In short, there is no more appropriate place on the SSD than the page file.
11, hibernation file on solid state hard drives will benefit Why?
not. Hiberfile.sys is a large block of read and write, so it is the same on a mechanical or solid state drive.
12, Windows Experience Index will be adjusted according to how solid-state hard drive performance?
Windows7 adding some new random read, random write and erase assessment. A good SSD score will be above 6.5, with a maximum score of 7.9, and an abnormal rating of 1.9 points, 2.9 points during the test period will not appear again.
Of course, if the general performance of solid-state hard drive itself, under Windows7 and WindowsVista where the score would almost not gone up.