Inventory of the little-known ftp commands under windows (1)

        User: yepanghuang

PassWord: abc123

Open the Windows Start menu, do the "Run" command, enter the FTP in the dialog box, press the "OK" button will switch to a DOS window, a command prompt

FTP & gt;

FTP server connection command type:

FTP & gt; (Enter)

slightly and so on for a moment, the screen prompts to connect successfully:

FTP & gt;

next server asks the user name and password, enter the yepanghuang and abc123, can be authenticated.

upload file, for example should a: index.html spread root server, type:

FTP & gt; puta: index.Html (Enter)

when the screen prompts you to have been transferred, you can type the commands View:

FTP & gt; all .jpg files dir (Enter)

download, the server should assume that the transmitted images directory the machine may enter commands:

FTP & gt; cdimages (enter) [Note: images into the directory]

FTP & gt; mget * .jpg

upload and download job Finish, type bye to disconnect.

FTP & gt; bye (Enter)

summarize common FTP commands: the server is connected;

2.send (put): uploaded;

3.get: download file;

4.mget: a plurality of files to download; content switching;

6.dir: View the files in the current directory;
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