Serial number: 8
Original: WindowsSetupdoesnotsupportthisusageofthe /BTFolderPathcommand-lineargument.ToinstallWindows, restarttheinstallationwithoutthisargument
translation:. Windows Installer does not support this usage /BTFolderPath command-line parameters. To install Windows, restart the installation without using this parameter.
Solution: This occurs manually modify the parameters setup.exe cause, if you have not modified will not appear. If you have this syntax after the statement, please delete it manually.
number: 9
Original: WindowscannotdisplaySetupinthelanguage.Errorcode:!! 0x% 2 X
translation: Windows can not display the installer *** X language. Error code: 0 ******
solution: the language is likely to be corrupted or the installer file is not appropriate language. Please check if the ISO MD5 is correct and there is no error in burning. Check if the files in the ISO directory have been deleted. It is not recommended to use vLite for streamlining.
number: 10
Original: WindowscouldnotdeterminethelanguagetouseforSetup.Errorcode:!! 0x% 1 X
translation: Windows can not determine the language for the installation program. Error code: 0 ******
solution: with 9, you can manually modify the language, you can set the default installation language in the Vlite. This is generally not the case.
number: 11
Original: ThisversionofWindowsisfora32-bitMachineandcannotrunonthecurrent64-bitOperatingsystem
translation: This version of Windows for 32-bit computer, not on the current operating system 64-bit run.
solution: I use the 32-bit Windows, if you use the 64-bit installer will prompt to install on a 32-bit operating system: "This version of Windows for 64-bit computer, not in the current Running on a 32-bit operating system." or "Not a valid 64-bit program." If you do not understand, then please look at Baidu search the relationship between 32-bit and 64-bit bar
number: 12
Original: Windowscouldnotcreatetemporaryfolder [% 1 s!!] Makesureyouhavepermissiontocreatethisfolder, andrestarttheinstallation.Errorcode:. 0x% !! 2 X
translation: Windows can not create a temporary folder. Make sure you have permission to create the folder and restart the installation. Error code: 0 ******
Solution: Leave at least 2G of additional disk space, temporary files because Windows will first put up the remaining disk space reopened after a good stay. The installer will install normally! That's why this error occurs.
number: 13
Original: Windowscouldnotupdatetheinstallationfiles.ToinstallWindows, closeSetupandrestarttheinstallation.Errorcode:!! 0x% 1 X
translation: Windows can not update installation files. To install Windows, close the installer and restart the installation. Error code: 0 ******
Solution: There are several reasons, do not select the installation CD if networking is updated, the disc is read-only. Recommended not to select networking to download the update files directly choose not to skip the best networking, then you will be prompted this error can not download
number:.. 14
Original: WindowscouldnotstartSetupfromthelocalsystem.ToinstallWindows, closeSetupandrestarttheinstallation.Errorcode :!! 0x% 2 X
translation: Windows can not start the installer from the local system. To install Windows, close the installer and restart the installation.
solution: because the current operating system is lower than XP, use XP or better operating system installed, install it using PE2.0 above do not use DOS installation
number..: 15
text:. Windowswasunabletocopyinstallationfilesduetoaninternalerror.ToinstallWindows, restarttheinstallation
translation: due to an internal error, Windows can not copy the installation files. To install Windows, restart the installation.
solution: with 6. Please check the MD5 ISO correct
number: 16
Original: WindowsSetupexperIEncedanunexpectederror.ToinstallWindows, restarttheinstallation.Errorcode: 0x% 1 X
translation:!! Windows Setup program error. To install Windows, restart the installation. Error code: 0 ******
Solution: Try again several times. If it still doesn't work the same.