1, to reduce the random start entry
random start entry, directly in the "Start Menu" - & gt; "run" and enter msconfig, the pop-up window to switch to the Startup tab out those unwanted disabling startup The project will do, generally we only run one input method and anti-virus software.
2, the system to reduce the start-up display time Windows7
"Start menu" - & gt; "run" and enter msconfig, the pop-up window to switch to the Boot tab, bottom right boot Waiting time, the default is 30 seconds, generally can be shortened, such as 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and so on. Check the advanced option 'Advancedoptions...', then another setting window will pop up, check the 'Numberofprocessors' in the drop-down menu to select according to your computer configuration, now dual-core is more common, of course, there are 4 cores, 8 cores, After this is determined, restart the computer to take effect.
3, accelerate Windows7 shutdown speed
above talked about how to speed up the startup speed of Windows7, since the start-up time can be reduced, corresponding to the same can reduce the shutdown time. This modification needs to be done in the registry.
How-to: Start menu or type in the system of the 'regedit' Enter Open the Registry Manager, and then find the key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Control', right click on 'WaitToKillServiceTimeOut 'Modify the value to very low, the default is 12000 (representing 12 seconds). This is the time when Windows waits for the process to end when shutting down. If you don't want to wait, you can change this time value to any value. Any value can be modified. You also need to restart your computer to take effect.
4, Window change more quickly
Windows7 gorgeous effect is indeed beautiful, but beautiful results, you will find window switch faster. How to do it: First type "SystemPropertIEsPerformance" in the Windows7 start menu, then find the (VisualEffects) visual effects tab, and remove the checkmark from the "AnimateWindowswhenminimizingandmaximising" option to complete.
5, delete those changes more than superfluous font
Some users may be a bit afraid to start, but this is an action that you absolutely do not hesitate. Fonts in Windows systems, especially TrueType default fonts, will consume a portion of the system resources. You just need to keep the fonts you need every day, and the rest is not useful for you. Operation method: Open the control panel to find the font folder (the path address is ControlPanelAllControlPanelItemsFonts), and then you can move the fonts that you don't need to use frequently to another temporary folder that is backed up, so that you can easily retrieve them later when you want to use them. . If you feel that you are no longer using these fonts, you don't have to back up them. You can uninstall them completely. In short, the more fonts you uninstall, the more system resources you are freeing, and the overall performance of the Windows 7 system is of course improved.
6, faster task bar preview
How-to: still typing 'regedit' command after the Enter to open the registry, and then look for key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the Start menu - Software- - Microsoft Windows - CurrentVersion - Explorer - Advanced', right click on the advanced setting 'Advanced', then select 'NewDWord', enter the value of 'ThumbnailLivePrevIEwHoverTime', right click and select 'Modify' to modify, you can choose In decimal notation, enter a new value in milliseconds. For example, if you enter 200, it means 0.2 seconds. In short, you can set it according to the speed you want. After confirming, you need to restart the computer to take effect.
7, prohibit Aero theme
Windows7 Aero theme provided the system is also occupied system resources, if you want faster system speed number, it is not necessary to use this theme. How to do it: Right click on the desktop and select the ‘Personalise’ attribute and select the ‘WindowColor’ tab. Then leave the ‘EnableTransparency’ option and click ‘OpenclassicappearancepropertIEsformorecoloroptions’. Then select a standard theme.
8, hidden service entry
Windows7 Windows7 operating system some of the service items will take up too much memory, if you do not use these services is wasted system resources. But I don't want you to disable these services. After all, you may need to use them at certain times. The best way is to be able to fully understand the settings after each service, which may be difficult for the computer's primary users, it is recommended to give up this optimization, but the master can try.
system House Tip: Windows7 Open the Control Panel, click on 'AdministrativeTools' and then select 'Services'. Right click on each service to set it up. Please be careful with this operation.