Starting from Vista, Microsoft's security of the operating system has been significantly improved, so that the files (folders) that we can open or delete under XP can not be operated under Win7. Even if you are unable to operate under the Administrator super administrator account, the prompt "You need permission from TrustedInstaller to make changes to this folder", or the prompt location is not available, refuse access. After
especially clean common system junk, no matter what tool is used, it can not clean out file folders protected files, is easy to operate, there is provided a registry file into the registry, as long as you need Right click on the file (folder) of the operation - the administrator takes ownership so that you can open or delete it.
Note that, if you are not very proficient on the system configuration, please do not delete files on the system useful! ! !
registry as follows:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT * shellrunas]
@ = "Administrators take ownership"
"NoWorkingDirectory" = ""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT * shellrunascommand]
@ = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f"% 1 "& icacls"% 1 "& icacls"% 1 "/grantadministrators: F"
"IsolatedCommand" = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f"% 1 "& icacls"% 1 "/grantadministrators: F"
@ = "administrators take ownership"
"NoWorkingDirectory" = ""
@ = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f "% 1" & icacls "% 1" & icacls "% 1" /grantadministrators: F "
" IsolatedCommand "=" cmd.exe /ctakeown /f "% 1" & icacls " % 1 "/grantadministrators: F"
@ = "administrators are made Right "
" NoWorkingDirectory "=" "
@ =" cmd.exe /ctakeown /f "% 1" /r /dy & icacls " % 1 "& icacls"% 1 "/grantadministrators: F /t"
"IsolatedCommand" = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f"% 1 "/r /dy & icacls"% 1 "/grantadministrators: F /t "
above previously can also be used in Windows7, but in Win7SP1 platform can not be used, the following applies to a platform Win7SP1 registry:
WindowsRegistryEditorVersion5 .00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT * shell unas]
@ = "administrators take ownership"
"NoWorkingDirectory" = ""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT * shell unascommand]
@ = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f"% 1 "& & icacls"% 1 "/grantadministrators: F"
"IsolatedCommand" = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f "% 1" & & icacls "% 1" /grantadministrators: F "
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshell unas2]
@ = "Administrators take ownership"
"NoWorkingDirectory" = ""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshell unas2command]
@ = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f" % 1 "& & icacls"% 1 "/grantadministrators: F"
"IsolatedCommand" = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f"% 1 "& & icacls"% 1 "/grantadministrators : F "
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryshell unas]
@ =" administrators take ownership "
" NoWorkingDirectory "=" "
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryshell unascommand] < BR>
@ = "cmd.exe /ctakeown /f"% 1 "/r /dy & & icacls"% 1 "/grantadministrators: F /t"
"IsolatedCommand" = "cmd .exe /ctakeown /f "% 1" /r /dy & & icacls "% 1" /grantadministrators: F /t "