Appendix: Detailed options
RoboCopy command copy option
/S: copy subdirectories, but does not copy empty subdirectories.
/E: copy subdirectories, including empty subdirectory.
/LEV: n: n-layer only before the copy source directory tree.
/Z: copy files in restartable mode.
/B: copy files in backup mode.
/ZB: Use restart mode; If access is denied, please use backup mode.
/EFSRAW: copy all encrypted files in EFSRAW mode.
/COPY: copy mark :: file contents to be copied (the default is /COPY: DAT). (Copy tag: D = data, A = attribute, T = timestamp). (S=Security=NTFSACL, O=Owner Information, U=Review Information).
/DCOPY: T: Copy the directory timestamp.
/SEC: copy the security document having (equivalent to /COPY: DATS).
/COPYALL: copy all file information (equivalent to /COPY: DATSOU).
/NOCOPY: do not copy any file information (using take effect with /PURGE).
/SECFIX: repair file security of all files, even skipped files.
/TIMFIX: repair file time of all files, even skipped files.
/PURGE: delete the source no longer exist in the target file /directory.
/MIR: Mirror directory tree (equivalent to /E and /PURGE).
/MOV: Move files (delete from source after copying).
/MOVE: Move files and directories (delete from source after copying).
/A +: [RASHCNET]: given Attributes to copied files.
/A -: [RASHCNET]: Copy a file is deleted from a given property.
/CREATE: CREATE directory tree and zero-length file.
/FAT: create destination files using 8.3FAT file name.
/256: Close Long Path (& gt; 256 characters) support.
/MON: n: monitoring source; run again found to change more than n.
/MOT: m: monitoring source; if you change, run again in m minutes.
/RH: hhmm-hhmm: hours of operation - can start a new copy of the time.
/PF: In (not per) per-file basis check run hours.
/IPG: n: distance (ms) between the package to release the low-speed line bandwidth.
/SL: control target copy symbolic links.
/MT [: n]: n threads using multi-threaded replication (default 8). n must be at least 1, but not greater than 128. This option is not compatible with the /IPG and /EFSRAW options. Use the /LOG option to redirect the output for optimal performance.
file selection options
/A: copy only files with the archive attribute set.
/M: copy only files with the archive attribute and reset archive attribute.
/IA: [RASHCNETO]: includes only files with any given set of properties.
/XA: [RASHCNETO]: exclude files with any given set of properties.
/XF file [file] ...: Exclude files with the given name /path /wildcard match.
/XD directory [directory] ...: exclude names /paths matching the given directory.
/XC: exclude files that have changed.
/XN: exclude newer files.
/XO: exclude older files.
/XX: eliminate redundant files and directories.
/XL: exclude orphaned files and directories.
/IS: contains the same file.
/: include file adjusted.
/MAX: n: the maximum file size - exclude files larger than n bytes.
/MIN: n: minimum file size - exclude files smaller than n bytes.
/MAXAGE: n: there is the longest file - exclude older than n days /date of the file.
/MINAGE: there is the shortest file - Exclude later than n days /date of the file: n.
/MAXLAD: n: maximum Last Access Date - exclude files unused since n.
/MINLAD: n: smallest last access date - exclude files used since n. (Ifn<1900thenn=ndays, elsen=YYYYMMDDdate).
/XJ: negative junction. (usually included by default).
/FFT: assuming the FAT file time (2 seconds granularity).
/DST: DST make up one hour time difference.
/XJD: negative junction directory.
/XJF: joint exclude file.
retry option
/R: n: number of retries on failed copies: default is 1 million.
/W: n: Wait time between retries: default is 30 seconds.
/REG: a /R registry: n and /W: n is saved as the default setting.
/TBD: wait define a shared name (retry error 67).
Logging Options
/L: lists only - do not copy, timestamp or delete any files.
/X: report all redundant files, not just selected files.
/V: generating a verbose output, showing skipped files.
/TS: contains the timestamp of the source file in the output.
/FP: contains the full path name of the file in the output.
/BYTES: print size in bytes.
/NS: No Size - do not log file size.
/NC: No Class - do not log file classes.
/NFL: No File List - do not log file names.
/NDL: No Directory List - do not log directory names.
/NP: No Progress - do not display percentage copied.
/ETA: copying files show the expected arrival time.
/LOG: file: output status to the log file (overwrite existing log).
/LOG +: file: output status to the log file (append to existing log).
/UNILOG: file: as UNICODE state to the log file (overwrite existing log).
/UNILOG +: file: as UNICODE output state to the log file (append to existing log).
/TEE: Output to the console window and log files.
/NJS: no job summary.
/UNICODE: output state as UNICODE.
job options
/JOB: Job Name: extracting parameters from the named job file.
/SAVE: Job Name: Save the parameter file named to the job.
/QUIT: exit process (to view parameters) after the command line.
/NOSD: not specified the source directory.
/NODD: not specified target directory.
/IF: contains the following files.