Play Windows 7: Windows 7 and Vista system shortcuts Daquan (4)


SHIFT + any direction key: select multiple items in the window or desktop, or select text in the document

SHIFT+DELETE: no need Move to the recycle bin to delete the selected item directly

SHIFT+F10: Display the shortcut menu of the selected item

SHIFT+Right click: Display the alternate command of the selected object

Only available shortcuts for Microsoft keyboard Keys: The following shortcuts require the "Windows" key, which was originally only available on keyboards with the Microsoft logo, and most keyboards are now available.

Win: Open or close the Start menu

Win+CTRL+F: If you are on the network, it can search the computer

Win+CTRL+TAB: Switch the taskbar using Windows Flip 3-D Active window

Win+BREAK: Display "System Properties" dialog box

Win+D: Display desktop

Win+E: Open "Computer"

Win+F: Search for files Or folder

Win+G: Switch Sidebar Widget

Win+L: If you are connected to the network, lock the computer, if not connected to the network, switch users

Win+M : Minimize all windows

Win+R: Open the "Run" dialog box

Win+SHIFT+M: Restore the minimized window to the desktop

Win+Spacebar: Set all gadgets and select Windows Sidebar

Win+T: Switch the program on the preview taskbar

Win+TAB: Use Flip 3-D to switch the program on the taskbar

Win+U: Open Easy Access Center

Win+X: Open "Windows Mobile Center"

Vista Dialog Shortcuts: The following shortcuts are made in the dialog box.

ALT+Underlined Letters: Execute the command represented by the letter or the option represented by the selected letter

Direction key: If the active option is a set of option buttons, select a button

Spacebar: If a folder is in the "Save As" or "Open" dialog box, open the previous folder

CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Switch tabs backwards

CTRL+TAB: Front Switch Tab

F1: Display Help

F4: Display Items in the Activity List

SHIFT+TAB: Select Options Backward

Space: If Active The option is to check the box, then select or remove the check box of the check box

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