Our aim: (deleting files without deleting functions, simplifying the system does not simplify performance)
Tip: The color customization operation appears below , the color can be safely carried out
Four things to do after loading window7
1. "Run as administrator, all programs → Accessories → Command prompt", right click and select "Run as administrator",
After entering the command prompt, manually enter "powercfg -h off" What this is for, Jupiter will also know. .
2. Turn off system protection
computer right-click properties - advanced management settings - system protection
3. transfer virtual memory
computer right-click properties - advanced management settings - advanced - performance - settings - Advanced - Change
4. Transfer "User's Files"
Desktop Double-click on the Administrator folder, here is recommended to transfer 4 system folders
Desktop, Favorites, My Desktop, my document.
Right-click the project attribute to be transferred--Location X:\\Users\\Administrator
Slimming strategy (deleting files without deleting functions, simplifying optimization system, not optimizing performance)
No Waste the saliva, directly put the effective address
1.C:\\Windows\\Web\\Wall*** (Windows comes with wallpaper) recommended transfer
Search input ati*.inf (14.6M) nv*.inf (94.9M) (A card user delete N, N card user delete A, - -|
Search input mdm*.inf (21.6M) Now no one has used something to delete
Search input PRn*.inf (781M) prn All of them are printer drivers, I believe most people use Not on.
There is a printer, there will be a driver when you buy it, delete it!
Note: prnms001.inf/prnoc001.inf/prnms002.inf These three are not printer drivers, it is recommended to keep!
3.C:\\Boot (13.3M) This is the Windows startup interface for different languages. It can be deleted except zh-CN
4.C:\\perflogs\\System\\Diagnostics (9.39M) This is After the system test, the test record file is deleted.
5.C:\\Windows\\Downloaded Installations There are some programs (Dreamweaver.)
The installation files will be extracted into this folder. Can be safely removed. Dozens of M to several hundred M.
6.C:\\Windows\\Help (66.7M) All 咔嚓. . I believe that there is no Comrade Xiaobai to see this. .
7. C:\\Windows\\IME\\IMESC5 You can customize it, anyway, I use a third-party input method.
Microsoft Pinyin input method (74.5M) can be left
Japanese input method (37.8M) Delete
Korean Input method (2.86M) Delete
Traditional Chinese input method (21.6M) Delete
C:\\Windows\\System32\\IME will also have these Item input method! The deletion method is the same as above
8. C:\\Windows\\Installer Under the uninstallation of the installed program, the program required for the modification, if you delete it,
Some programs will be uninstalled and modified.
9.C:\\Windows\\winsxs This cannot be deleted, but it can be compressed. The size after compression is 2.48G. Save space near 1G!
System files, total size 3.22G,
C:\\Windows\\winsxs\\Backup (backup file, occupy 354MB); Delete Don't worry, you can't use it. .
Some programs will put some files into the installation, see the need to delete,
inside the installation file exe, msi, can be deleted, but some are required for the software to run Documents cannot be deleted.
11.C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games
The system comes with games. If you don't play, you can delete them. The method of deleting your own games is as follows:
Start - Control Panel - Programs - Open or close Windows Function, find the game, click the plus sign to expand, remove the checkmark in front of the game you want to delete, then OK, you can turn off the function is Tablet PC optional component /Windows DFS service /print service /Windows Fax and scan
description /Windows conference room /remote differential compression, if you need to open IIS, open the Internet information service here
The following delete you do not delete
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Chess
Chess Master (30.3M)
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\FreeCell
FreeCell Solitaire (690K)
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Hearts
Red Heart Wars (687K)
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\inkball
Ink Ball (1.2M)
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Mahjong
Mahjong Master (12.6M)
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Minesweeper
Minesweeper (4.96M)
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Purble Place
Kitchen Contest (36.4M)
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Solitaire
Solitaire (696K)
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\SpiderSolitaire
Spider Solitaire (697K)
12. C:\\Users\\Public(Delete)
All user public folders with some sample images, videos, etc. , you can delete (217M)
where C:\\Users\\Public\\Recorded TV\\Sample Media is a sample TV recording file (143M) for Windows Media Center,
C:\\Users\\Public\\Music\\Sample Music For example music (59M),
Modify the registry
Speed up the Windows 7 system boot speed
1) Run regedit to enter the registry.
2) Open to: HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\session Manager\\Memory Management\\PrefetchParameters
3) On the right side of the "EnablePrefetcher" primary key, change its default value from 3 to 0.
4) From the computer
modify the registry to speed up the Windows 7 system shutdown speed
1) run regedit into the registry.
2) HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl\\PanelDesktop", set the key value of "AutoEndTasks" to 1.
3) Then modify "HungAPPTimeout" to "4000 (or smaller)" (default is 5000), The key value is the same as
in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop"; the last step is to find
"HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl", also set WaitToKillServiceTi
meout to "4000";
remove the menu delay
remove The delay when the menu pops up can speed up window7 to a certain extent. The key value to be modified is in
"HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop". Modify the "MenuShowDelay" button under it, change the default 400 of the
to 0, press F5 refreshes the registry restart to take effect.
Shorten the waiting time before closing the application and the process
Similar to the waiting time before shutting down the service, Windows Vista has the same section before forcibly closing the application and the process. Wait for the program or process
to close itself, only after the time limit is exceeded, the Windows system will force it to abort.
Therefore, shortening the default closing application or waiting time can also speed up the shutdown of Windows 7.
The setting method is similar to the above, and the following branch is found in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop
Double-click "WaitToKillAPPTimeout" in the right panel to change its value from the default of 20000 (the unit is also milliseconds) to the smaller 5000 or 1000,
Thus, Windows waits 5 seconds or 1 second after issuing the shutdown command. Still have not received an application or a shutdown signal, a corresponding warning signal will pop up, and ask the user whether to force abort.
Service optimization see me this post
http://bbs.pcbeta .com/thread-438419-1-1.Html
The above are some settings that the younger brother used after installing the system~ It can be safely carried out. If there is something wrong, please feel free to comment. I will continue to modify ~
My system disk is now 20.0GB, and the available space is 14.74GB.
Under normal circumstances, most of the win7 systems we use are pseudo-activated. After usin
In the system disk, there are two system files with the suffix .sys: hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys.
Some people may not be satisfied with the default new version of Windows 7 Yahoo fonts, have install
Microsoft cites the following examples to show how to use these features: For example, in H
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