How to get back the win8.1 experience index?

Microsoft has delivered a number of valuable improvements on Wind 8.1: additional app location and zoom options, "boot to desktop" features, app auto-updates, Explorer's SkyDrive integration, and the start menu "return" ;and many more. On the other hand, Microsoft has canceled the “Windows Experience Index” function in the Vista 8.1 from the Vista era. There must be many users who still miss this feature. How do we get back the win8.1 experience index? ?
This is a small tool that can be used to retrieve the win8.1 experience index. The Windows Experience Index (WEI) interface may have disappeared, but its underlying code still exists. ChrisPC's third-party Windows Experience Index tool uses it to generate scores —— the same scores you see in Windows 8.
Software Name: Get the Win8.1 Experience Index (ChrisPC Win Experience Index) v1.0.5
Bring the "Windows Experience Index" module back to Windows 8.1;
For your Windows 8.1 Device "One-Click Rating";
Quickly review "Windows Experience Scores" in Windows 7/8/8.1 for processor, memory, hard drive, graphics, and gaming performance ratings ;
Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1 One-click re-run rating;
Simple and intuitive interface.

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