How to perform color calibration on Win8 system

1. Move the mouse to the upper right corner and click on the taskbar and click “Set”;
2, Control Panel;
3, Appearance and Personalization;
4, Display - Enlarge or Reduce Text and Other Items ;
5, calibration color;
6, welcome to use calibration color;
7, adjust gamma, there are examples in the middle, you need to adjust the display image as close to the intermediate example map;
8, first Set the display to the factory default settings;
9, minimize the visibility of the small dots in the middle of the circle by moving the slider on the left side;
10, adjust the contrast and brightness, such as the brightness and contrast controls are not available directly Click “ Skip brightness and contrast adjustment <;
11, adjust brightness;
12, adjust contrast;
13, adjust color balance;
14, adjust color balance;
15. You need to compare this calibration with the previous calibration. You can click “Previous Calibration” and “Current Calibration”;
16, cleartype text tuner;
17, select the text that looks the clearest Example;
18, completed.

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