How to use a screen saver
A screen saver is a moving picture or pattern that appears on your computer's screen when you have not used the mouse or keyboard for a certain period of time. Screen savers are a great way to personalize your computer. Here are a few tasks you can do to work with a screen saver in Windows:
Open a screen saver
When you open a screen saver, it will be added to an unsaved theme. For more information, see Getting Started with themes.
Open “Screensaver settings in the following ways: Swipe in from the right edge of the screen and click "Search" (If you use the mouse, point to the top right corner of the screen and move the pointer down , click "Search”), enter “screensaver" in the search box, and then click or click “Set” and “Change Screen Saver”.
In the "Screensaver" list, click or click an option, then tap or click “OK”.
Tip: To stop the screen saver and return to the desktop, tap the screen, move the mouse or press any key.
Change Screen Saver
If you want to try a different screen saver, you can choose from multiple screen savers that come with Windows.
Open “Screensaver settings in the following ways: Swipe in from the right edge of the screen and click "Search" (If you use the mouse, point to the top right corner of the screen and move the pointer down , click "Search”), enter “screensaver" in the search box, and then click or click “Set” and “Change Screen Saver”.
In the "Screensaver" list, click or click the screen saver you want to use, then tap or click “OK”.
Tip: To see how the screen saver looks, click or click “Preview” before clicking or clicking “OK". To end the screen saver preview, tap the screen, move the mouse or press any key, then tap or click “OK> to save your changes.
Turn off the screen saver
If you don't need a screen saver at all, you can turn it off.
Open “Screensaver settings in the following ways: Swipe in from the right edge of the screen and click "Search" (If you use the mouse, point to the top right corner of the screen and move the pointer down , click "Search”), enter “screensaver" in the search box, and then click or click “Set” and “Change Screen Saver”.
In the “Screensavers list, click or click “(none)”, then tap or click “OK”.
Use your own photo as a screen saver
You can create a personalized screen saver by selecting some photos for use in the slideshow.
Open “Screensaver settings in the following ways: Swipe in from the right edge of the screen and click "Search" (If you use the mouse, point to the top right corner of the screen and move the pointer down , click "Search”), enter “screensaver" in the search box, and then click or click “Set” and “Change Screen Saver”.
Under the screen saver, click or click “photo”.
To change one or more screen saver settings, tap or click “Set" and do one or more of the following:
To specify a photo to use as a screen saver, please Click or click “Browse”, select the folder containing the photos you want to use, and then tap or click “OK”.
To change the show speed of your slide show, tap or click the list next to “slide show speed”.
If you want to display your photos in random order, check the “Stop play pictures” checkbox.
Click or click “Save” to save your settings changes. Then click or click “OK“ in the <screensaver settings” dialog. Tips: Digital cameras or SLR photos can also be adjusted to the screen saver in advance.
Remove the screen saver from your computer
If you have a problem with the screen saver you installed, or if you know you won't be using it, you can uninstall it from your computer. (You cannot uninstall the screen saver that comes with Windows.)
Open the “Screensaver settings by: swiping from the right edge of the screen to the middle, click "Search” (if using the mouse, Point to the top right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down, click “search”), type “screensaver" in the search box, then click or click “set> and“ Change the screen saver”.
Click or click the screen saver you want to delete, then tap or click “Uninstall”.