Ballmer personally demonstrates several new features in Windows 8


Although the Windows 8 Developer Preview has been released publicly, Microsoft has not given up on any opportunity to demonstrate Windows 8 features. At the Dell World conference in Austin, USA, Microsoft CEO Steve · Ballmer demonstrated several new features of Windows 8.

A new feature of Windows 8 is that the lock screen can be customized and present information to the user. It can show whether the user has received new mail or whether there are new updates on the social network. Ballmer pointed out that when a PC user leaves the computer for a while, such as going to the bathroom, Windows 8 can let the user know at a glance what was missed during the time of leaving, and several new emails need to be processed.

Ballmer also showed off the Windows 8 Metro user interface, including the Start Screen start screen, which uses a patch interface to display more information about the app, such as real-time weather, stock prices, and more. In addition, Ballmer also demonstrated to the attendees some of the features of Windows Server 8, such as running on 32 virtual processors, 100GB RAM.

Although Ballmer demonstrated both Windows 8 and Windows Server 8 at the conference, he did not mention support for touch-screen tablets.

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