Win8 interface is accused of confusion Microsoft said it will be optimized


In response to complaints from some users about the Windows 8 Metro interface, Microsoft said it will optimize the new Metro user interface to better meet user needs.

Steven ·, president of Microsoft's Windows Live division, acknowledged in an official blog that Microsoft did receive complaints from some users saying they didn't like the new Metro interface, but Sinowski also pointed out that this is the user's natural reaction to the interface changes.

At the same time, Microsoft also said it will evaluate user feedback. Microsoft's senior project manager for the user experience, Marina · Marina Dukhon said that some of the user feedback is critical to Microsoft's improved Metro interface.

Some users say that the new Metro interface is "the chaotic placement of some icons", which has no advantage over the traditional start menu. There are also users who say: "The current Metro lists all applications in alphabetical order, which is simply unreasonable. I barely know the names of these programs. "In this regard, Dukehorn said that the traditional start menu is not very efficient, there is indeed a need for reform, but Dukehorn also said that Microsoft is developing a new application screen, Will imitate the current “all programs” menu. The app screen allows users to group apps to quickly and easily find the app they want.

In addition, the app screens become more dense and you can add more apps, so you don't need users to scroll to find the app you want.

For the drawbacks of the Metro interface, there are users who say: "The Metro interface is suitable for smaller touch screens, but not for desktops with large screens. & rdquo;

In this regard, Dukehorn cited a number of facts to analyze the application arrangement on the Metro interface, which may not be the most user-friendly interface, but users can customize it. Dukehorn said that Windows 8 Beta will improve in this regard.

Duke Horn said: "The personalization of the Metro interface is one of the features we want to highlight, and we will continue to optimize and make it more perfect. "Dr. Horn said that Windows 8 Beta will improve significantly in this regard compared to the current developer preview (Windows Developer Preview).

There are also users who say that the new Metro start screen is less efficient than the traditional start menu. Similarly, Dukehorn proved Metro's advantages through various data and calculations, but Dukehorn also said that Microsoft will continue to improve the Metro interface.

Dukehorn finally pointed out that the user's current feedback is only based on the Windows 8 developer preview, while Windows 8 is still being developed and improved, and the final user interface has not yet been finalized. Duke Horn: "We release the developer preview is to let users give feedback, but I hope everyone knows that the development of Windows 8 has not been completed. ”

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