How does Win8 create a storage pool?


How does Win8 create a storage pool? A storage pool is a group of disks in a server that can be used to consolidate redundant space and customize settings for better management of disks. So, how do you create a storage pool on a Win8 system? Let's take a look at it.

1. To create a storage pool in Win8 system, we first need to open the control panel — all control panel items — storage space; then click “ create a new pool and storage space & rdquo;; br>

2, in a new window, we can check multiple drives, add it into the storage pool, you can achieve a unified, flexible disk partition management purposes;

3, In addition, we can create a storage space, set & ldquo; name, drive letter, file system type & rdquo; and so, if we also add multiple drives can select a two-way, three-way Mirroring, so that a file backup is automatically generated when it is used to prevent a drive from being damaged and causing the file to be lost.

Win8 system described above is to create a method of operating a storage pool, if you think more than one disk partition management a lot of trouble, try to create a storage pool, will simplify your operations, oh.

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